
2024 – 2025 Registration

September 3 – September 17, 2024



Ongi Etorri! Welcome to all returning dancers as well as our new dancers and families joining us for the first time. Please be sure to take the opportunity to get acquainted with new families and re-acquainted with one another over the next few weeks.

Euzkaldunak Dues:
The Boiseko parent group is Euzkaldunak, or The Basque Center. In order for your child to dance with Boiseko Gazteak you must be current on your Euzkaldunak membership dues. If you are not current, you can renew at registration on September 24 or you can contact Patty Gabica Haas (secretary@basquecenter.com). Dues are $60 for new members and $50 for renewal of your membership. (Note: it must be a parent/guardian that is a member of Euzkaldunak, not a grandparent.)

Please note that Euzkaldunak’s annual registration is in January. If dues are not paid by January 31, 2025, your dancer will not be allowed to continue to dance.

Online Registration:
Please fill out the online registration form found here: https://www.basquecenter.com/community/boiseko-gazteak/boiseko-gazteak-registration/. You must be current on your Euzkaldunak dues in order to register online. If you are not currently a member or your membership has lapsed, you will need to bring your registration down to the Basque Center during registration to register and pay your Euzkaldunak dues.

Volunteering: (Exempt Volunteers = teachers and musicians)
Each family is required to volunteer for at least two (2) events. You may volunteer for Boiseko and/or Euzkaldunak. Please make sure you sign up for at least 2 events on SignUpGenius. (This does not include volunteering for The Basque Museum, the Fronton Association or any Euzkaldunak event not specifically listed. (For example, helping to make morzillas or working at the beer booth does not count.) A $200 check is required with registration.

Please mail your check payable to Boiseko Gazteak to:
Basque Center
C/O Isana Bengoetxea (Boiseko Gasteak)
601 W. Grove St.
Boise, ID 83702

This check is only cashed if you do not fulfill your volunteer commitment.



Volunteer Opportunities:

  • All volunteer opportunities and details are posted on SignUp: https://signup.com/go/LKhRapC
  • Choose two volunteer opportunities for your family.
  • Since some shifts are operated by Euzkaldunak Coordinators, we ask that you sign up on our SignUpGenius page AND on Euzkaldunak’s page. The link to Euzkaldunak’s page will be found in the volunteer shift description.
  • When volunteering, please make sure to check in with the event coordinator prior to your shift (this often includes signing in.)

Event Coordinators (ALL DATES TENTATIVE):

  • Costume selling & distribution (Sept. 17) – Heather Totoricaguena
  • Morzilla Dinner (Nov. 3) – Johnny Aldape
  • Bazaar (Nov. 3) – Euzkaldunak Board
  • Winter Show performance (Dec. 8) – Johnny Aldape
  • Children’s Christmas Party (Dec. 8) – Mike Franzoia/Patty Gabica
  • Sheepherders Ball (Dec. 15) – Euzkaldunak Board
  • Spring Show performance (March 9, 2024) – Johnny Aldape
  • Euzkaldunak food booth (July 29 – Aug. 3 2025) – Euzkaldunak Board
  • Boiseko Registration 2022 (Sept. 2025) – Jill Aldape & Isana Bengoextea

New and Used Costumes:
New and used costumes can be purchased at the Basque Center on during registration. Registrations may also be turned in at this time. A list of all the dance groups’ costume pieces is also available online.

Costume Check List

New Costumes:
If your dancer needs a new costume, please make sure they are at the Basque Center during registration. They must be measured by the seamstress. Some costumes will require 1-2 fittings. Please call Heather Totoricaguena (208.860.9392) with any questions.

The final day to order new costumes is September 30. A 50% deposit is required for all NEW costumes and pieces ordered at registration. CHECKS ONLY

Used Costumes for Sale:
If you need to purchase a piece or have a costume altered, please make sure to bring it to the Basque Center during registration for re-measurement. Your dancer WILL need to be present.

If you are a parent wanting to sell a costume, please make sure that all pieces are clearly marked with your name, phone number, size of costume or dance shoes, and a price for each item. Bring your items to registration. You can pick up your money at the first practice (September 24). If you will not be attending registration, but have a costume to sell, please contact Heather Totoricaguena (208.860.9392) ASAP to make arrangements to sell your costume.

DANCERS MUST BE 4* BY OCTOBER 1, 2024, IN ORDER TO DANCE WITH BOISEKO GAZTEAK. We do not allow dancers to move up a group level before they are the correct age, however, we do allow them to stay longer with their current group if necessary. Please make sure to talk to your dancer’s teacher with any questions. Dance groups are as follows:

Txikituak (txiki) – must be 4* by Oct. 1 (4-5 year olds)
Azkarrak – must be 6 by Oct. 1 (6-7 year olds)
Txulitoak (txulito) – must be 8 by Oct. 1 (8-10 year olds)
Nagusiak – must be 11 by Oct. 1 (11-14 year olds)

*On occasion, we have allowed children who have not yet turned 4 to practice and perform with the Txikis. This is done on a case-by-case basis. A couple of things to keep in mind: one parent must be present and help teach/corral the kids at each Txiki practice throughout the season. This volunteer assignment does not count towards the two volunteer shifts per family you must complete during the season. In addition, your child will stay in Txikis for three years, and move up to Azkarrak with the other dancers their age after turning six years old.

Our first practice will begin September 24 at 7:00 PM sharp and ends at 8:00 PM sharp! Please make sure to drop off and pick up your dancer(s) on time. Dancers need to be ready with masks, dance shoes, water, and restroom breaks taken care of BEFORE practice.

Practice places will be as follows:
Txikituak (txiki) – (4 – 5 yrs) – Basque Museum Classroom
Azkarrak – (6 – 7 yrs) – Basque Center Basement
Txulitoak (txulito) – (8 – 10 yrs) – Fronton Basement
Nagusiak – (11 – 14 yrs) – Basque Center Main Hall

Remember your dancer’s group name as we will refer to them by those names throughout the year.

Mandatory Parents’ Meeting: October 1 at 7:05PM in the Basque Center Card Room (upstairs from the bar). Please plan to attend a brief meeting to go over the schedule of events, costuming, the expectations of volunteering, and to be able to ask any questions of the Boiseko Board.

As always, safety is our number one concern; little ones will not able to leave the Basque Center Main Floor (Txikituak) or Basque Center Basement (Azkarrak) without a parent, guardian, or older sibling! Please make sure you communicate with your teachers regarding who will be picking up your dancer!

For the sake of keeping the‬‭ young dancers as focused as possible,‬ we ask that parents find something else to do rather than stay in dance spaces; the Basque‬ Center Bar is open, and there are restaurants nearby. We find that when parents gather in‬ practice spaces, they either naturally get loud in talking with each other, or unintentionally create‬ distraction for their kid, who may want their attention, etc. Please let us know if there are special‬ circumstances in which you feel it important to stay within sight of your child, otherwise, we’d‬ appreciate an efficient drop-off and pick-up.‬

Boiseko has three main performances during the dancing season. Our Winter Show will be on Sunday, December 8 on the Basque Block (weather permitting). We will break for the holiday season and begin our spring season practices on Tuesday, January 7, 2025 with our Spring Show taking place on Sunday, March 9. We will have two additional practice for Jaialdi 2025 on Monday, July 28 and Tuesday, July 29, and our last performance will take place on August 2 at Expo Idaho.  More information will follow as the season progresses.

Weekly emails:
We will send out weekly emails to update you on upcoming events, information, and reminders.

Boiseko Gazteak Board Members:
If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please feel free to contact any of the Boiseko Gazteak Board Members listed below:

Jill Aldape – Chairperson
Phone: 208.866.8883 or email: jill.aldape@saintalphonsus.org

Johnny Aldape – Chairperson
Phone: 208.761.2121 or email: johnaldape@gmail.com

Isana Bengoetxea – Volunteer Coordinator
Phone 208.908.8500 or email: isana.bengoetxea@gmail.com

Heather Totoricaguena – Costumes
Phone: 208.860.9392 or email: htotoricaguena@gmail.com

Nikki Totorica – Music and Musicians
Phone: 208.867.2175 or email: nikkitotorica@gmail.com

Angela Paz – Registration Coordinator
Email: bdancer83@yahoo.com

Boiseko Gazteak Board group email: boiseko@basquecenter.com


If you have questions, or you would like to be added to the Boiseko Gazteak email list, please contact the Boiseko Gazteak board: email

“Izan zirelako gara, garelako izango dira”
Because they were we are, because we are they will be