Costume Information
Boiseko Costumes Check List Link: Boiseko Costume Check List
Volunteer Information
Boiseko Volunteer Registration Link 2024 - 2025: Sign Up
Boiseko Gazteak requires a $200 deposit at the time of registration. Please make the check payable to Boiseko Gazteak.
Checks will be held until after the following year's registration. Parents of Boiseko Dancers are required to volunteer for 2 (two) events per family. Please identify online which events you will volunteer to work at for the 2024-2025 year. Your name and contact information will be given to the Chairperson coordinating volunteers for that event - they will then contact you. IF you do not fulfill your commitment to volunteer for 2 events, your $200.00 check will be cashed. FULFILLING YOUR COMMITMENT is defined as actually showing up and working your assigned shift -- not just SAYING you'll volunteer.